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At Elthorne Park High School keeping children and young people safe from harm is our number one priority. This is outlined in our key behaviour and safeguarding message to our students asking them to be ‘prepared, respectful and safe.’

We safeguard and support our students in a number of ways, we follow key statutory guidance set out by the government in Keeping Children Safe in Education (2022) and Ealing local authority child protection guidance.

Keeping children safe in education 2023 - GOV.UK 

Ealing child protection and safeguarding guidance

We are very proud of our carefully mapped safeguarding and well-being curriculum, delivered through our weekly timetabled PSHCE lessons and personal development programme. This curriculum is regularly reviewed and updated to ensure it provides guidance and support to our children in relation to a number of safeguarding and well-being issues. We also ensure that we are responding to local safeguarding concerns and issues affecting our students.

Should a safeguarding or child protection concern arise, parents are asked to inform one of the school’s Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSL) or the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL):


Ms N Bowler

KS3 Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

KS3 Leader

Mr F Hardy

KS4 Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

KS4 Leader

Ms C Ervin

KS5 Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

KS5 Director of Sixth Form

Ms K Reeves

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Deputy Head Teacher

Mr S Ward

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Head Teacher


Should a student have a safeguarding or well-being concern at school, they can approach any member of staff to share that concern. e.g.form tutor, teaching or support staff, year leader. Communication will then be made with one of our Designated safeguarding officers to support the child’s needs. Posters displayed around the school and our school website provide further guidance for students in relation to a referral.

Key safeguarding policies:

The following policies relating to safeguarding can be found on the policy section of the main school website:

  • Safeguarding policy

  • Behaviour policy

  • Anti-bullying policy

  • Attendance policy

  • Safer recruitment policy

  • IT and social media safety policies and agreements

Safeguarding - support and guidance helplines

The following contacts can provide useful sources of information and support in relation to safeguarding concerns:

Anxiety UK

Anxiety UK

03444 775 774 (Monday to Friday, 9:30am - 5:30pm)

Charity providing support if you have been diagnosed with an anxiety condition.


Campaign Against Living Miserably

0800 58 58 58 (daily, 5pm to midnight)

CALM is the Campaign Against Living Miserably, for men ages 15 to 35. 



0800 1111 (everyday 7:30am to 3:30am)

Confidential helpline for young people.

Circle Cafe

Circle - Hammersmith, Fulham, Ealing and Hounslow Mind

0208 5717454

This is a hub space and cafe that offers support for young people in Ealing who are at or near crisis point with their mental health.

Ealing children’s services

Children and families social care | Ealing Council

0208 820 8000

Advice and support for families and young people stop



Advice for children and families around bullying.



Free, safe and anonymous support.

Sign up to make use of online counselling services. 

Men’s Mental Health Forum

Men's Health Forum 

To improve the health of men and boys. 24/7 stress support for men via text, chat and email.



03001233393 (Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm)

Promotes the views and needs of people with mental health problems.



0800 1111 for Childline for children (24-Hour helpline)

0808 800 5000 for adults concerned about a child (24-hour helpline)

Childrens charity dedicated to ending child abuse and child cruelty 


HOPELINK | Papyrus UK | Suicide Prevention Charity

0800 0684141

Confidential help for young people,dedicated To the prevention of suicide and promoting positive emotional health and well-being In young people.



116 123 (free 24-hour helpline)

Confidential support for people experiencing feelings of distress and despair



Emotional support, information and guidance for people affected by mental illness, their families and carers. 

0300 304 7000


Peer support forum:


Refugee Council

0808 2000 247 (24-hour helpline)

Advice on dealing with domestic violence. 

Rape Crisis

Rape Crisis 

0808 802 9999 (daily 12pm - 2:30pm and 7pm - 9:30pm)

Young minds

Young Minds

0207 089 5050

Mental health support for young people.

Victim Support

Victim Support

Support for people who have been victims of crime. 

0808 168 9111 (24-hour helpline)


Safeguarding - useful guidance for parents and students



Useful advice for parents and students on bullying prevention

DFE advice for parent carers preventing bullying


Useful guidance for parents and students in relation to bullying prevention and support

Anti-Bullying Alliance


Useful help and support for parents relating to bullying - family lives.


Advice for schools on preventing and tackling bullying

Advice for schools on preventing and tackling bullying


Online safety

Useful guidance from CEOP around staying safe online

CEOP parent and student guidance staying safe online

 Chronological information shared with parents


Useful government advice for parents on cyberbullying.

DFE advice for parents on cyberbullying



Guidance for schools on the prevent duty

DFE The prevent duty advice schools


A toolkit for schools to help schools contribute to the prevention of extremism

Learning together to be safe-Prevent


School Counselling Partnership

Michelle Hanafi, Clinical Lead

Ealing Schools Counselling Partnership  |  07469714459  |


Schools Counselling Partnership specialise in providing therapeutic counselling services supporting children, young people, schools and families. We take a holistic approach to working with children, young people, parents and staff and a whole school approach to emotional health and well-being.

Here at Elthorne, Michelle (Clinical Lead) and her team Anita and Dorothy (child & adolescent psychotherapists), offer; a counselling drop in service to all pupils at Elthorne, 1 to 1 therapy for pupils who need long term intensive therapy, a service to support parents and a confidential staff service. We also offer staff and parent training, group therapy and therapeutic art groups and workshops to young people.

We continue to work tirelessly to support the young people, school and community. If you would like some support from the service, for yourselves or your child, please contact Michelle on the details above to arrange a meeting.

Michelle also runs Evening Parent Workshop on Emotional Regulation, and supports the transition of new Elthorne pupils. Dates and times to follow.