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Here at Elthorne Park High School, we are lucky to have a team of highly committed and knowledgeable individuals that make up our Governing Body. They meet as a whole 4 times per year and the two sub-committees - curriculum and resources  - also each meet 4 times per year.  

The purpose of the resources committee is to support the Headteacher in preparing the budget, monitoring expenditure and ensuring sound financial management within the school; recruiting and retaining high quality staff in all departments of the school leading to the delivery of quality education; to provide support and guidance to the Headteacher on all matters relating to premises and health and safety.

The purpose of the curriculum committee is to support the Headteacher in planning and providing an excellent standard of curriculum, teaching & learning, ensuring that behaviour and attitudes are positive and that there are suitable opportunities for student personal development; monitoring achievement and ensuring that all students are well supported within the school; ensuring good community and parent engagement; to provide support and guidance to the Headteacher on all matters relating to curriculum, behaviour and student personal development.

Governors serve for a term of four years and are appointed by the Governing Body. When a vacancy arises, this will be advertised in the school newsletter and website.

Below you can see our current Governing Body. If you would like to contact an individual governor, please contact them through the school via Ms W. Henderson (Clerk to the Governors).

Governor Nomination Forms 

Please see below for the required governor nomination documents 

Jade Okuyiga

Parent Governor