The School Day
The school day starts for students at 8:40am.
All year groups will have an assembly in the main hall once a week. Assemblies are often led by the year leader but we also invite outside speakers. Each assembly will focus upon one of our core values or key attributes.
At the end of each half term we celebrate student achievements during assemblies. We alternate between pastoral and curriculum rewards. Pastoral rewards are nominated by the tutor and year leader. Curriculum rewards are nominated by subject teacher and include rewards for excellent achievement, progress and demonstrating the school values and attributes. At Elthorne we have a two-week timetable. This means that students may not have the same lessons each day of the week and it is important that students are aware which week (1 or 2) they are on. Each lesson lasts for 60 minutes.
Every Thursday during period 2 students have PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education). This lesson is taught by the tutor team.
We provide a wide range of activities at lunchtime and after school. We also run a study club after school, with computer access, to help students with homework.